OK Landing Pages Component

Intuitive and user-friendly component

Version: Beta 1(0.9.1)
Date added: Feb 03
License: GPLv2 or later
Type: Fre(Lite version) Pro(with more options) will be released soon
Compatibility: Joomla! 3.9.x

Release Note



Demo is this page for now, more demos follow soon...

This component is a page that can contain up to twenty sections, each can have a different type of content, its own design, and animation.

With the OK Landing Page component, you can create a home page for your site in a modern clean style to catch your visitor's attention. You can also use it for your Landing Pages and just as content.

There are many Page Builders components for Joomla! - but they always seemed to me too complicated so I decided to make my own simpler component.

Main Features

Up to twenty sections

Quick dotted navigation

Separate animation for every section

Design preview in admin dashboard

Preset background textures

And more...

Content Types





Horizontal Card

Watch promo guide how it works

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The "Content" type is an usual editor with additional functions(optionally) which add an image(options - width and position selection - right/left) and a link as a button

The content type "List" is different from an usual List which you can do in your editor. You can choose the type of icon and its color. In addition, the animation in the list does not workas a block - it animete line by line with small delay(see example). Also you can make items of the list as links.

The content-type "Cards" allow you to add up to 4 cards to a section with an image, title, description, and link button. The customizable card design has multiple display styles and separate animations for each card.


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Content type "Cards" allow you to add up to 4 cards to the section


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Content type "Cards" allow you to add up to 4 cards to the section


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Content type "Cards" allow you to add up to 4 cards to the section

Horizontal Card

The content type "Cards" allows you to add up to 4 cards to a section with an image, title, description, and link button. Customizable card design has multiple display styles and separate animations for each card


Dummy Link

Note: This is BETA - some functions might work not correctly, you use it at your own risk.
Stable version can be not compatible with BETA version as it still in the active development and some functions can be changed